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Looking Ahead to the iGaming World in 2022

The iGaming business continues to develop and grow. It appears as though absolutely nothing can stop its evolution as revenues continue to smash through the billions marker. The last couple of years have been difficult for many industries, including land-based gambling venues. Still, the online gaming world has actually welcomed many new customers through their virtual doors during that time. So, what can we expect as we move into 2022? I look into all the top talking points, some of which may end up grabbing the headlines throughout the year.

Governments Making Moves in the Online Gambling Market

More governments across the globe are accepting that iGaming and online gambling are here to stay. Rather than see all that revenue shipped out to the global gaming groups and offshore casinos. Officials need to take the initiative with new or updated legislation within their borders and take back control.

Creating official policies and setting up gambling authorities are not things that can be done fast. Many governments have already been laying down the foundations for local gambling laws. We are now seeing a lot of action across all areas of America, especially in the north. Michigan, New Jersey, and West Virginia are some of the US states to have introduced online gambling in recent times.

2022 should see yet more governments worldwide sign off deals to legalize online gambling within their borders. Or at least kickstart the movement, so they don’t get left behind.

AI To Dominate Backend Casino Management

Artificial Intelligence is already being used to work alongside existing casino systems. Improving the protection of players and eliminating fraudulent activity has already proven effective. Customer service and responsible gambling will continue to reap the benefits of AI technology. The ability to quickly identify customers showing abnormal gambling behavior against historical activity is worth investing time in. As always, helping customers become aware of their actions before they spend too much should be high up on everyone's priority lists.

Artificial intelligence is not something that you can actually see in action. Still, the use of AI technology will continue in the background throughout 2022. As it stands, with the support of casino operators, it can help keep all players stay in control.

What Can We Expect From Igaming as We Move Into 2022?

Other Exciting Areas To Keep In Mind

It’s challenging to cover all areas of the iGaming industry, especially considering the pace at which technology is evolving. I’ve picked out a couple of the more exciting areas that are worth a quick discussion:

More Slot Features & Immersive Gameplay

We always get treated to new features and slot game ideas every year. Some barely register any interest, and some go on to be game-changers. I expect more of the same in 2022. I just hope game providers work on the storytelling side of things rather than the mechanics. Sure, some new bonus features would be exciting. But a more immersive experience would be something to push slot gaming forward leaps and bounds.

The Ongoing Rise of E-Sports Betting & Gaming

E-sports has been on the rise for several years. In fact, it shows no sign of a downturn at all. This area, in particular, has everything going for it, though. A growing population of e-sports fans alongside a growing number of e-sports competitors and competitions is a powerful combination. Plus, technology that only ever gets faster and more powerful helps to push this modern-day entertainment along ever faster. As I said, e-sports will sit tight on its rocket boosters and continue on that unrelenting path to global domination.

What Can We Expect From Igaming as We Move Into 2022?

Hanging On To The VR Gaming Experience

It wouldn’t be an iGaming article about future technology and ideas without mentioning virtual reality. It has been on the radar for a few years now, but will 2022 be the year virtual reality finally breaks through into our online casinos? In all honesty, it’s still hard to tell. The issue has always been around perfecting the technology to provide a VR experience worthy of our time and money. If anything, the day is getting closer. Plus, good things come to those who wait, right?

The Era Of Smartwatch Casinos?

Conversations surrounding smartwatch gaming are starting to pick up the pace. I have read multiple articles talking about the future of casinos on our watches. Now, I think that is a little too extreme. But, the idea of placing a few bets via your wrist can’t be a bad thing. Nor is it something that is too far away in terms of the technology required. Playtech and Microgaming are two studios that have already clocked up hours on developing watch-based games. Perhaps the first smartwatch games are coming in 2022?


If there is one thing that we can be sure of, it’s the fact that the iGaming industry will steamroll on into 2022 at full speed. We can expect more governments to open up local online gambling laws. There should also be many productive backend improvements that help protect players. On the frontline, players can also expect tons more games, with many more casinos popping up. Perhaps we may even see the official arrival of VR gaming, or should we watch out for smartwatch slots?

It’s always tricky to pinpoint what to expect each year. This is mainly because software companies and game providers keep all their cards held close until they are truly ready to launch. It’s a highly competitive iGaming world out there. Secret developments and innovative ideas need to stay secret for the ultimate impact when it is eventually time for release. 

Nevertheless, some things almost seem inevitable due to the rate at which technology is developing in other areas. Smartwatches spring to mind, and they are everywhere you look in fitness and health. Online casino entertainment is undoubtedly next on the hitlist for the small yet powerful device. Or, maybe something will catch us all unaware and surprise us.

That’s the beauty of iGaming. You never can be truly sure of what to expect next!

This article delivers the thoughts and opinions of the author, and it doesn't represent the stance of GoodLuckMate.

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Steven Ford
Steven Ford
Last Update: 13 Mar 2023
Steven is GoodLuckMate’s casino veteran, having started in the industry in 2007! Although he knows everything about online gambling, it’s sports betting that is his true passion. Additionally, he’s not only our go-to writer for casino reviews, but he’s also the one keeping the closest eye on iGaming companies, so he always knows what they are going to do next.