How the Fibonacci Strategy Works
When playing with the Fibonacci strategy, you start by placing a low wager on one of the even-money betting options.
If you win, you take your winnings and go two steps back in the sequence shown below. If you lose you increase the size of your bet according to the Fibonacci sequence. You proceed with increasing your bets accordingly until you finally win.
Overall this leaves you with a small profit. The sequence is really simple: the next number is the sum of the two previous numbers, starting with the numbers 0 and 1. Then the addition begins: 0 + 1 = 1, 1 + 1 = 2, 1 + 2 = 3, etc.
1 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 8 – 13 – 21 – 34 – 55 – 89 – 144 – 233 – 377 – 610 – 987
You simply start with one chip as a bet. If you lose, move on to the next number in the sequence and place the corresponding number of chips. You do that until you win. If you win, take two steps back down the sequence. To make it easier to understand, here is an example.
Betting Example
You start by placing your wager on an even-money bet of your choice. Let's say red in roulette. Black comes up. You place the same bet again on red, and black comes again. Next, put two chips on black. Red appears. You repeat this three more times, with 3, 5, and 8 chips as stakes, and you lose all rounds. You finally win the seventh round and receive 13 chips.
Now let’s say you win two more rounds and end up at the beginning of the Fibonacci sequence since you moved two steps back each time. But what is the loss/gain of the entire round?
-1, -1, -2, -3, -5, -8, +13, +5, +2, +1, = +1.
So in total, you have won 1 chip.
You can see that you have to be patient with this system. There can also be rounds where you end up with neither a profit nor a loss. The motto is to take your time and be satisfied with small profits.
The Benefits of the Fibonacci System
In contrast to the popular Martingale system, for example, the progression in the Fibonacci formula is less steep and, therefore, less risky. This has the advantage that a smaller bankroll is required to even out a streak of bad luck.
In addition, only about a third of the bets need to be won to be positive overall. These are great incentives to try out the system yourself. However, we recommend being careful as this only works to a limited extent in the real casino environment (we’ll explain why later).
Try the Fibonacci System in an Online Casino
As soon as you are ready to test the Fibonacci system yourself, it is advisable to make sure you are familiar with the rules of the sequence. You can always use the numbers we posted earlier in this article as a cheat sheet.
It also might be a good idea to test the strategy with play money before you try your luck with your hard-earned cash. Most online casinos offer a free play mode where you can play roulette online and other games that use even-money bets without any risk.
Is the Fibonacci system banned in casinos?
Like all other systems that are based on even odds and mathematical foundations, this system can be applied without hesitation. At online casinos, it can, however, be prohibited to play using a betting strategy when you’re playing with bonus funds on your account.
Is the Fibonacci System suitable for sustained profits?
With this method, you can expect a lot of small wins and also some neutral rounds, but losses are even more common. However, since only a third of the rounds have to be won, wins and losses will offset each other over time – in theory.
One thing you have to keep in mind is that all casinos have a set table limit. This is the weak spot of the strategy. If you lose too often, you won't be able to progress through the sequence anymore, as the table limit won’t allow you to increase your bet further. Ultimately, this means that the Fibonacci system doesn’t really work in the long run.
Is the Fibonacci system suitable for beginners?
The Fibonacci system is well suited for beginners as the strategy can be learned very quickly. But even as a professional, you are welcome to try the system out. So if you are looking for a simple and easy-to-understand betting strategy, the Fibonacci system is the right place to start.